{Purpose of doing something} [Agreement, Disagreement]
Untuk mengekspresikan suatu tujuan dalam kalimat Bahasa Inggris, kita dapat menggunakan:
1) In order (to/that)
Kata hubung in order to memiliki makna “untuk”, sementara in order that memiliki makna “supaya/agar”. Frase ini biasanya digunakan untuk menjawab pertanyaan dengan kata tanya kenapa (Why).
=> In order to + V1/be
-> Diletakkan di anatara klausa 1 dan 2 atau awal kalimat
-In order to pass the exam, we should study hard
-You have to register in order to participate in the forum
=> In orther that + S + P
-> Diletakkan di antara klausa 1 dan 2
Dilan should study hard in order that she will be clever
2) So that
Kata hubung So that memiliki arti “sehingga/supaya”. Kata hubung ini bisa digunakan jika kalimat tersebut menyatakan suatu kegiatan yang bisa membuat atau mencegah kegiatan lain setelahnya. Pada umumnya, jika kamu ingin menggunakan kata hubung so that, kamu perlu menggunakan sebuah modal.
=> So that + S + Can/Could + V1
Can untuk Present time
Could untuk Past time
Kata “Can” dapat digunakan dalam adverb clause jika suatu kalimat tersebut memilki makna atau terjadi saat sekarang (present) atau masa yang akan datang (future).
Sedangkan kata “Could” digunakan setelah “so that” jika kejadiannya sudah lampau (past).
-Rere works hard so that she can earn a living
- I am saving money so that I can buy a new car
-I’m going to cash a check so that I can buy my textbooks
-I cashed a check so that I could buy my textbooks.
=> So that + S + V1/Will V1
- I always carry an umberella so that I won't get wet
-I’ll take my umbrella so that I don’t get wet
-Yesterday I took my umbrella so that I wouldn’t get wet.
3) To
=> To + Verb
Example: I'm going to Ireland to visit my family
4) For
=> For + Verb-ing
-> For memiliki arti untuk atau demi. Selain itu, kata hubung For juga berfungsi sebagai pemberi informasi.
- I buy a new mobile phone for contacting my parents
- This mope is for cleanin the floor
- We coms to festival for watching the perfomance of that rock band.
=> For + Noun
- I borrow book in library for debate competition
- Rian sends money for her parents
So that lebih sering digunakan daripada in order to ketika suatu kemampuan/ kesanggupan diekspresikan dalam suatu kalimat
Kata “may” atau “might” mungkin juga digunakan untuk menggantikan kata “can”dan “could”, tetapi jarang digunakan secara umum. Contoh: “I cashed a check so that I might buy my textbooks.”
Jika untuk menyatakan tujuan makna dari:
Can = want to be able to (Present time)
Could = wanted to be able to (Past time)
Will/ will not/ doesn’t/ don’t = want to make sure (Present time)
Would / would not = wanted to make sure (Past time)
Pengertian Agreement and Disagreement
Agree and Disagree adalah suatu ungkapan dalam Bahasa Inggris yang digunakan untuk menyatakan Setuju (Agree) atau Tidak Setuju (Disagree) tentang suatu hal, dan bagaimana cara kita menanggapi suatu pernyataan dari seseorang. Dalam Bahasa Inggris ada beberapa cara atau ungkapan yang bisa gunakan untuk menyatakan setuju atau tidak setuju.
1. Agreement
Adalah ekspresi uang digunakan untuk mengungkapkan persetujuan pendapat atau ide orang lain
- I agree with your Idea. (Saya setuju dengan ide kamu)
- I perfectly agree with you. (Saya sangat setuju denganmu)
- I think so. (Saya setuju)
- I think you are right. (Menurutku kamu benar)
- It’s brilliant idea. I agree with you. (itu ide yang cemerlang. Saya sependapat denganmu)
2. Disagreement
Adalah eskpresi ketidaksetujuan terhadap pendapat ayau ide orang lain.
- I disagree with your opinion. (Saya tidak setuju dengan pendapatmu)
- I don’t agree with you. (Saya tidak setuju denganmu)
- I don’t think so. (Saya tidak sepemikiran denganmu)
- I’am not with you. (saya tidak sepaham denganmu)
- I’m sorry. I think you are wrong. (Saya minta maaf. Tapi menurut saya kamu salah)
- Maybe, there is ways better. (Mungkin ada ide yang lebih baik.)
- I don’t think so about it. (Saya tidak sepaham tentang hal itu)
- I say not yet. (Saya berkata tidak)
- I agree with your opinion, but… (Saya setuju dengan pendapat kamu, tapi….)
- In my opinion it’s false. (Menurut pendapat saya itu salah)
- I’m not sure with his idea. (saya kurang yakin dengan pendapatnya)
Rina: Start now, we must exercise for winner in scout competiton next week
Dea: I agree with your Idea
1. How Dea expression?
A. Slow
B. Agreement
C. Disagreement
D. Fast
Fira : Don, I think Chandra is responsible for this case
Dona : Well, I don't know.
2. From the dialogue, we may assume that ...
A. Dona agrees with Fira
B. Dona disagrees with Fira
C. Dona has no idea about the case
D. Dona cannot accept the fact
E. Dona totally agree with the opinion
3The students donate their money ... help the people in need
A. For
B. So that
C. Being
D. In order that
Rendy : Is Puncak Pass resort near here?
Mona : Yes, it is.
Jack : _____ it's about 100 kilometers from here.
Rendy : Oh, really?
4. The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is …
A. I disagree with you
B. I quite agree
C. I think so too
D. It certainly is
E. You are right
Jane : So, where will we go?
Rudy : How about beach?
Cane : _______. We have visited a lot of beach this year.
Jane : Lake? Toba Lake sounds interesting, right?
5. The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is …
A. That's so true
B. I quite agree
C. I think so too
D. I don’t think so
E. You are right
6. am saving money _____ I can buy new bicycle
7. I want _____ welcome you for the first time.
8. I always cook ______ my husband and he is always happy because of my delicious dishes.
9. Dian should study hard _____ she will be clever
10. He has ______ wake up at 5 am. There will be a meeting in the early morning.
1) B. Agreement
2) B. Dona disagrees with Fira
3) A. For
4) A. I disagree with you
5) D. I don’t think so
6) So that
7) To
8) For
9) In order that
10) To
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