Present Continuous Tense

A. Pengertian Present Continuous Tense

   Present continuous tense adalah bentuk tense yang digunakan untuk menyatakan bahwa suatu aksi sedang berlangsung selama waktu tertentu pada waktu sekarang (present).

   Bentuk ini menunjukkan bahwa aksi tersebut terjadi sebelum (begins before), selama (is in progress at the present), dan berlanjut setelah (continues after)  waktu atau aksi lainnya.

B. Rumus + Contoh Present Continuous Tense

Rumus Present Continuous Tense:
(+) S + to be + V-ing
(-) S + to be + not + V-ing
(?) To be + S + V-ing

(+) He is swimming
(-) He is not swimming
(?) Is he swimming?

=> Contoh kalimat dalam Present Continuous Tense, yang di sesuaikan dengan situasi yang terjadi :

1. Situasi dimana suatu kejadian tengah berlangsung sekarang.
--> Contoh : Mr. Tony is making design of the house.

2. Situasi dimana suatu kejadian sudah di rencanakan dengan pasti untuk terjadi di masa depan.
--> Contoh : The class will start at 8 AM tomorrow.

3. Situasi dimana sebuah perubahan atau perkembangan sedang berlangsung untuk waktu yang lama.
--> Contoh : My parents is getting older.

C. Soal Present Continuous Tense

1. Desi is ___ in the kitchen
   a. Cook
   b. Cooking
   c. Cooks
   d. Cookies

2. Deka is ___ at 9 PM
   a. Sleeps
   b. Sleepies
   c. Sleep
   d. Sleeping

3. ___ you listening music?
   a. Is
   b. Are
   c. Must
   d. It

4. They ___ swimming in the sea

  a. Are not
  b. Must not
  c. Do not
  d. Am not

5. Evi is ___ flowers

   a. Water
   b. Waters
   c. Watering
   d. Do water

6. (+) They are eating fried rice in the
         restaurant now
    (?) _____________________

7. (-) Dimas is not studying
    (+) ____________________

8. (?) Are you singing on the stage?
    (+) ____________________________
    (-) ____________________________

9. (-) Aldi is not cleaning the blackboard
    (?) ______________________________
    (+) ______________________________

10. (+) Dani is playing football with
      (-) ____________________________
      (?) ____________________________

D. Jawaban soal Present Continuous Tense

1. (B) Cooking

2. (D) Sleeping

3. (B) Are

4. (A) Are not

5. (C) Watering flowers

6. (?) Are they eating fried rice in the
         restaurant now?

7. (+) Dimas is studying mathematics

8. (+) You are singing on the stage
    (-) You are not singing on the stage

9. (?) Is Aldi cleaning the blackboard?
    (+) Aldi is cleaning the blackboard

10. (-) Dani is not playing football with
      (?) Is Dani playing football with



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Biografi Singkat Bill Gates

Comparative Degree

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